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Blogspot SEO optimization

- Wahh ... Title posting too Animashaun apparently: p but never mind an important point I want to share tips and tricks about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for bloggers. Sieh Actually I also do not quite understand the problem of SEO, because I am still a beginner in the world per-bloggeran, I swear!

So the point I want to try to share some tips about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) I can from a wide range of references that I can be of om Google. Yaaa ... Approximately essentially sharing knowledge was, right there Ahmad Bukhari hadith whose contents Prophet SAW said "Convey even one verse". Well to that it would be nice if the knowledge I can instantly share with friends (Because sharing is so beautiful: D).

Blogspot SEO optimization
Blogspot SEO optimization

Following roughly a summary as I can:

1. Register blog my friends in many "search engine"
Where it comes from blog visitors are my friends? How does a visitor know my friends blog address? Well the answer is definitely from search engines (search engines). Visitors who enter the blog of my friends came from a search engine when he was entering a keyword and blogs of my friends have the keywords in question. Nahh .. for this reason my friends had to register my friends blog to search engines such as Google and Yahoo so lallu cross my friends blog visitors increasingly crowded. How Sieh most simple way so that with one click we can register our blog to various search engines? Hehe ,, sure that terbenak in mind my friends. His name is also human, if there were simple why should a complicated ?? Yes not my friends: D. Nahh for that my friends could be attempting to register the blog to my friends:

2. Install metatag Description
Description meta tag is a tag that is used to provide an overview on a website / blog. Function so that search engines such as Google detects picture blog my friends through metatags. Example metatag:
<meta name = "description" content = " just a blog created as a forum to share, whether it's a problem lectures in computer science, programming languages, reflections, until curhatan private.">
Suggested lest too much stringing words there, just a general overview only. Sieh said, do not let more than 200 words.

3. Install metatag Keyword
Keyword meta tag is a keyword that create a blog of my friends found by search engines. Metatags structure as follows:
<meta name = "keywords" content = "keyword1, keyword2, keyword3, ....">
To keep in mind:
3 • Do not repeat the same keywords as the search engines will not like and blogs of my friends will be considered spam (which create not human)
• Do not create a keyword that does not comply with the blogs of my friends! Because it will be considered spam by the search engines as well.

Friends can click here to find out how to install the metatag description and keywords meta tags on the blog of my friends.

(continued on Part II)


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